Why Join the Downtown Boston Rotary Club?


Incredible Speakers

Each month we have the chance to listen to and engage with some of the most interesting people in Boston


Organized Volunteering

Want to play with toys, try out your green thumb or feed hungry people?  We give time each month to serve our community, and have fun doing it!


Trusted Friends

It's hard to build a network of trustworthy individuals on your own.  Come join us and be part of it.


Commitment to diversity, equity, and Inclusion

We are committed to creating a welcoming, accepting, and inclusive environment for all and the necessity of fostering and promoting an environment of diversity, equity and inclusion to attract, develop, engage and retain exceptional service-minded individuals

Our monthly speaker meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month 6:00 - 7:30pm at:

Elephant & Castle

161 devonshire steet * Private Event Room * Boston MA 02110

Check Facebook for additional event details


How To Join

Membership allows you to attend all club events for 1 inclusive price, everything included. You’ll get 1 meeting a month at Elephant & Castle featuring a speaker, usually 1 volunteer activity, 1 social event, and opportunities to join our committees and to lead activities. You can also attend any of 34,000 Rotary Clubs worldwide, in virtually every town!

We actively seek to reflect the community that we serve, and so individuals of all genders, race, sexual orientation, nationality, ability, veteran status, and educational background are strongly encouraged to inquire.


All this for $50 a month?

Yes. We designed the club specifically to be affordable by busy professionals. $50 is all-inclusive: all events, your membership in Rotary International, food if available, usually even a drink ticket. This may be the best value in Rotary. There are no additional fees per meeting unless it’s a special event.


Application Process

After you’ve attended 3 club events (1 of them a service / volunteer activity) we’ll contact you to discuss membership. If you apply, we ask that you attend 1 more meeting at Elephant & Castle before our members vote. We purposefully seek membership from a diverse variety of professionals.


What You Gain as A Rotarian

You gain membership in the world’s largest and oldest service club! Our profits all go towards charity. You’ll build trustworthy friendships in not only our club but in 34,000 worldwide. You’ll Connect for Good with trusted professionals at every club event!

We act local and connect global


Being a Rotarian means you are connected to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.  Rated A+ by Charity Watch, and four stars by Charity Navigator. The Rotary Foundation takes on big challenges, like ending polio.  There are also many international service and exchange opportunities.



Teodor Nicola-Antoniu

Alexandra Leach

Georgios Varsos
Past President


Jenna Terrio
Club Secretary

Konstantinos Linos
Membership Chair

Catherine Boothby
Service Chair

Elizabeth Werner
Club Treasurer

Cody Smith
Fundraising Chair

Teodor Nicola-Antoniu
Social Chair

Jenna Terrio
Communications Chair

Peter Chandler
Scholarship Chair

Donald Washington
Rotaract Liaison


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